Главная Учебник Журнал Архив рассылки Обновления Библиотека



These rules dictate the conduct of Memory Championships carried out under the auspices of the International Federation of Memory Sports and are applicable to Regional, National, International competitions and of course the World Memory Championships.

Conduct of each event

Specific rules for each event and how they are scored can be found in the next section but generally, each event is run as follows:


Contestants must be seated at their tables, ready to begin at least 5 minutes before the start of each event.

Each contestant should be fully conversant with the rules prior to the competition.

Contestants are presented with question papers placed face down on the table in front of them.

The adjudicator will announce that the event is about to commence and will check that each contestant has a question paper. The organizers of the competition will provide all question papers.

Once the adjudicator is happy that everyone has a question paper, he will start the event by saying "Ready…..Start". At that point, the official timer will be started.

An announcement at various time points will be made as follows:

20 Minute Events 10 minutes left
5 minutes left
1 minute left
15 Minute Events 5 minutes left
1 minute left
5 Minute Events 1 minute left

Pagers and mobile phones must be switched off during all events.

Contestants may leave their table to use the toilet at any time during the memorization but must leave/return to the room quietly without disturbing the other contestants.

Each contestant must maintain silence during each event.

When the time allotted for memorization is over the adjudicator will announce "Stop memorizing, turn your papers over". At that point all contestants must stop memorizing and turn all question papers, together with any paper used to make notes during the event, face down on the table in front of them. The adjudicator will then clear the desk of all papers and will provide blank answer sheets.


Once the adjudicator is happy that everyone has an answer paper, he will start the recall period by saying "Ready…..Start". At that point, the official timer will be started.

A contestant may hand their answer sheet to the adjudicator and quietly leave their table at any time during the recall period. Raising their hand to attract the adjudicator who will then collect the answer papers from the contestant's table does this. Only then can the contestant leave their table.

Once a contestant has left his table during the recall period, they will not be permitted to return to continue and if they have not already done so, their answer papers will be submitted to the adjudicator.

Contestants must ensure that their name is clearly marked on every answer sheet submitted to the adjudicator. Points from an answer sheet will only be attributed to a contestant if their name is clearly marked on the sheet in question.

It is the responsibility of each contestant to ensure that their answer papers are clear and that potential misunderstandings are clarified by writing notes to explain the meaning of an answer or by pointing it out to the adjudicator when the paper is collected.

No changes to the answer paper will be allowed once it has been handed to the adjudicator.

The adjudicator's decision is final. However if there is any doubt about the meaning of a contestant's answer, the contestant will be asked to do the following:

Number events (Speed, Hour, Spoken and Binary Numbers) State the number on which the clarification is required having been given the row number that it appeared on (e.g. row 42) and the position of the digit in the row (e.g. 28th digit). If it is the spoken number event the contestant will be asked to clarify the number by being given its position in the sequence of numbers.
Hour Cards State the card having been given the pack number (e.g. the 3rd pack) and the position of the card in the pack (e.g. the 11th card).
Random Words Re-write the word having been given its number from the question sheet (e.g. Word 37).
Poem Re-write the line in which the doubt has arisen
Names and Faces Shown the picture of the face and asked to write down the part of the name that needs clarifying.
Speed Cards No clarification will be necessary once the contestant has stated that they believe they have correctly recalled the pack.

Championship Scores

Each individual event has its own method of scoring but to work out the championship scores, championship points are derived by awarding the winner of each event 100 championship points. The other contestants' scores in each event are then expressed as a percentage of the winner's raw score. This percentage then gives the number of championship points for each contestant in that event. The winner of the championship is the contestant with the most championship points after all of the events.

In national competitions only, 10 bonus championship points are awarded if the national record is broken and 20 bonus championship points if the world record is broken.

General Rules

Any concrete or tangible memory aid used must be developed within the time allowed for each competition. Nothing other than a supply of paper, Post-It Notes and colored pens, a ruler and timing device is to be available to the candidates. A good luck talisman is the one exception. All used paper and the question paper must be collected prior to starting the recall session for each competition.

Quiet should be the order of the day whenever a competition is taking place. A candidate wishing to clarify some point or make a request once the competition has started should raise a hand to attract the attention of a supervisor. If the point raised is likely to be of significance to other contestants an appropriate method of communicating it should be found so as to cause the least possible disruption to the contestants.

Championship Scores

The championship scores are derived by awarding the winner of each event 100 championship points. The other contestants' scores in each event are then expressed as a percentage of the winner's raw score. This percentage then gives the number of championship points for each contestant in that event.

For example, the winner A of random digits scores 800 whilst another contestant B scores 160. A is awarded 100 CP for winning and B 20 CP as 160 is 20% of 800.

In national competitions only, 10 bonus championship points are awarded if the national record is broken and 20 bonus championship points if the world record is broken.

Competition and World Records

The current World Memory Championship and world records for each event are as follows:

Hour Numbers Andi Bell (2000) 2000
Speed Numbers Dominic O'Brien (2000) 316
Binary Numbers Yu Zhang (1999) 2745
Spoken Numbers Gunther Karsten (2000) 400
Hour Cards Andi Bell (1997) 1170 (22.5 packs)
Speed Cards Andi Bell (1998) 34.03 sec.
Names & Faces Jonathan Hancock (1994) 140 points
Poem Patrick Colgan (1995) 260 points
Random Words Andi Bell (1998) 174

The current National Memory Championship records for each event are as follows:

Names & Faces Tatiana Cooley (2000) 87 points
Random Words Christopher Turner (2000) 78
Random Numbers Wallace Bustello (1997) 109
Poem Coral Parmar (1999) 198 points
Speed Cards Barry Surran (1997) 27 cards


Event Title
Names and Faces
Aim To commit to memory and recall as many names as possible and link them to the right face.
Time to Memorize 15 minutes
Time to Recall 20 minutes
Question Paper
  1. 99 color photographs of different people (head and shoulder shots) with a first name and second name written underneath each picture.
  2. Pictures are provided 9 to a page in 3 rows of 3 photographs on 8 1/2 x 11 paper.
Answer Paper
  1. Contestants will be given the 99 color photographs again (9 to a page in 3 rows of 3) but without the names and in a different order to that on the question sheet.
  2. Contestants must clearly write down the correct name (first name and/or second name) under each photograph.
  1. A point is awarded for every correctly spelled first name.
  2. A point is awarded for every correctly spelled second name.
  3. Half a point is awarded for every first name that is phonetically correct but incorrectly spelled (e.g. Clare instead of Claire).
  4. Half a point is awarded for every second name that is phonetically correct but incorrectly spelled (e.g. Smyth instead of Smith).
  5. Points are still awarded if only the first name or the second name can be recalled.
  6. The contestant with the highest score wins.

Event Title
Random Words
Aim To commit to memory and recall as many random words as possible.
Time to Memorize 15 minutes
Time to Recall 20 minutes
Question Paper
  1. A list of words organized in columns of 25 with 5 columns to a page.
  2. 4 Pages of words (500) are provided.
  3. Contestants must start at the first word of column 1 and remember as many of the words as possible.
Answer Paper
  1. Contestants must write down the list of words on the paper provided.
  2. Contestants may use blank paper as work paper.
  1. A point is awarded for every word in a complete column where all 25 words are correctly spelled.
  2. One mistake (including any gaps) in a column of 25 words gives a score of 13 for that column (25/2 rounded up).
  3. Two or more mistakes (including any gaps) in a column of 25 words scores 0 for that column.
  4. If the final column is partially complete, a point is awarded for each word if every one is correctly spelled.
  5. If the final column is partially complete, one mistake (including any gaps) in the partial column means the points awarded will equal half the number of words recalled. (For an odd number of words the fraction is rounded up e.g. for 19 words and one mistake, the score would be 19/2 rounded up equals 10).
  6. Two or more mistakes (including any gaps) will score 0 for the column.


Event Title
Speed Numbers
Aim To commit to memory as many random digits (1,3,5,8,2,5, etc) as possible and recall them perfectly.
Time to Memorize 5 minutes
Time to Recall 10 minutes
Question Paper Computer generated numbers are presented in rows of 40 digits with 25 rows per page.
Answer Paper Contestants must write their recalled numbers in rows of 40 digits on the answer sheets provided.
  1. 40 points are awarded for every complete row that is correctly recalled in order.
  2. For every complete row of 40 that has a single mistake in it (this includes a missing digit), 20 points are awarded for that row.
  3. For every complete row of 40 that has two or more mistakes (including missing digits) 0 points are awarded for that row.
  4. If the last row is incomplete (e.g. only the first 29 numbers have been written down) but all of the digits are correct, then the points awarded will equal the number of digits recalled (29 in this example).
  5. If the last row is incomplete and there is a single mistake (this includes a missing digit) then the points awarded will equal half the number of digits recalled. (For an odd number of digits the fraction is rounded up e.g. 29 the score would be 29/2 rounded up equals 15).
  6. For two or more mistakes in the last row (including missing digits) 0 points are awarded for that row.

Event Title
Aim To commit to memory and recall a poem.
Time to Memorize 15 minutes
Time to Recall 20 minutes
Question Paper A previously unpublished poem .
Answer Paper
  1. Contestants must recall the poem from the beginning by writing it down exactly as it was written (the title and the author also score) on the paper provided.
  2. Contestants must make it clear where one line ends and another line starts.
  3. Contestants must make it clear where lines have been left out from their recall of the poem
  1. Points are awarded for correctly recalling:a. Every correctly spelled word.b. Every incidence of a capital letter.c. Each punctuation mark (to include italics, underlining).
  2. Each line has a different number of points available but to score those points, the line has to be perfect. Any mistake in the line loses the complete line from the score.
  3. A partially completed final line of the answer scores the marks for the portion remembered if the line is correct as far as it goes.

Event Title Speed Cards
Aim To commit to memory and recall a single pack (deck) of 52 playing cards in the shortest possible time.
Time to Memorize 5 minutes (There are two attempts at this event with a new deck each time)
Time to Recall 10 minutes (for each attempt)
Question Paper
  1. A freshly shuffled pack (deck) of 52 playing cards.
  2. Contestants who expect to memorize the complete pack (deck) of cards in less than 5 minutes must inform the adjudicator so that a timekeeper with a stopwatch can be assigned.
  3. Contestants who expect to complete their memorization in less than 5 minutes must agree with their adjudicator on an appropriate signal that indicates they have finished memorizing (i.e. raising a hand). Recall will begin once the entire 5 minutes of memorization has ended.
Answer Paper
  1. Contestants must verbally recite the order of the pack to their allocated adjudicator. No writing is allowed during recall.
  2. The adjudicator checks the order of the pack and shows each card as it is turned over after the competitor has said its name. Once a card has been revealed to the competitor, no changes can be made to either that card or any preceding card.
  1. The contestant who memorizes all 52 cards in the quickest time and correctly recalls the pack, wins the event.
  2. If no one correctly recalls an entire deck, one point per card correctly recalled in sequence will be awarded. The first mistake made ends scoring for that attempt.
  3. The best score from the two attempts will count.



Главная Учебник Журнал Архив рассылки Обновления Библиотека
Интернет-школа мнемотехники Mnemonikon В.Козаренко,
Россия, Москва, 2002.
Адрес сайта: https://mnemonikon.ru
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